Video of the Week – Motivation

fortheriders-sNeed some motivation? Have a look at this superb clip made for a Californian roadrace club’s year end. 4theriders

Need some motivation? Have a look at this superb clip put together by the guys from for AFM, a Californian roadracing club.

Set against a backtrack of a remade Metallica song “One”, and featuring a pre grand final type coaches talk  (borrowed from a US TV station promo) by actor John Doman, this film clip is one of the finest efforts at capturing the feeling related to motorcycle racing that we’ve ever had the pleasure of viewing. If after watching you don’t at least have some stirrings of competitiveness, check your pulse for activity.

Here’s the thing that makes life so interesting

the theory of evolution claims only the strong shall survive

maybe so, maybe so

but the theory of competition says

just because they are the strong doesn’t mean they can’t get their asses kicked

that’s right

see what every long shot come from behind underdog will tell you is this

the other guy may in fact be the favorite

the odds may be stacked against you, fair enough

but what the odds don’t know is this isn’t a math test

this is a completely different kind of test

one where passion has a funny way of trumping logic

so before you step up to the starting line

before the whistle blows and the clock starts ticking

just remember out here

the results don’t always add up

no matter what the stats may say

and the experts may think

and the commentators may have predicted

when the race is on all bets are off

don’t be surprised if somebody decides to flip the script take a pass on yelling uncle

and then suddenly, as the old saying goes we got ourselves a game!

Whether or not you win this thing, you’ve got to decide how

you’re gonna walk out of here when it’s all said and done.

…because the game is going to go on.

…and there’s only one rule you’re going to need to know about:

“There are no second chances”

There’s only this moment and the next moment.

Every one of those moments is a test that you get to take ONE time and ONLY one time.

So, if you see an opening, tear into it!

If you get a shot at victory, make DAMN sure you take it.

SEIZE that moment!

That moment is a crossroads where everything you want

will collide with everything standing in your way.

You’ve got momentum at your back.

Fear and doubt are thundering like a

freight-train straight at you.

…and all you’ve got –

…the only difference between making history and BEING history

the only thing – the ONLY thing you can count on at any given moment is YOU!

It’s you versus “them”

… you versus “no”

… you versus “can’t”

… you versus “next year”, “last year”, “statistics”, “excuses”

It’s you versus “history”

… you versus “the odds”

It’s you versus “second place”

The clock is ticking.

Let see what you’ve got.

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